I had not heard of Carol Dweck or growth mindset before watching "The Power of Believing That You Can Improve" and "Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone". In high school I was the type of student who A's came easily to. I wasn't someone who had to study very hard for test. When I began classes at the University of Oklahoma I got a rude awakening when it came to my study habits. As I enter into my spring semester of junior year I am slowly but surely figuring out what study techniques work best for me. I wish the high school that I attended would've incorporated more of the idea of growth mindset, I believe it would've prepared me for college better because it would've pushed me to challenge myself in school rather than just being handed As. I am interested in learning more about growth mindset and how I can incorporate it into my schooling today.
Photo from Cheezburger
Photo from Cheezburger
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