I am very much a type A person. I find so much joy in checking things off on my to-do list each day. Turns out according to The Psychology of Checklist: Why Setting Small Goals Motivates Us to Accomplish Bigger Things by Lauren Marchese, "checking items off of a checklist releases small amounts of dopamine that then fuel us to keep checking off more items. I personally couldn't possibly remember all the things I need to do without having some sort of planner with all my to-dos. The article also explains "SMART" goals which is defined by specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. I especially need to work on goals that are attainable and realistic. So often I find myself trying to fit more in a day than is humanly possible.
Often times I find myself overcommitted due to the inability to say no. After reading 3 Steps to Recapture Time by Joynicole Martinez I learned how to better practice the art of no. Most of the time I say no when people ask me to do something at the last minute, if it was not previously planned to fit into my day then I say no. I learned from this article that the best way to approach saying no is by doing so respectfully such as, "Thank you for thinking of me. Unfortunately, I am unable to take on additional priorities right now.
What the start to my day usually looks like (Picture by Hubspot)
Often times I find myself overcommitted due to the inability to say no. After reading 3 Steps to Recapture Time by Joynicole Martinez I learned how to better practice the art of no. Most of the time I say no when people ask me to do something at the last minute, if it was not previously planned to fit into my day then I say no. I learned from this article that the best way to approach saying no is by doing so respectfully such as, "Thank you for thinking of me. Unfortunately, I am unable to take on additional priorities right now.
What the start to my day usually looks like (Picture by Hubspot)
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