Week 2 Story: Drew's never ending nightmare

“Ahhhh!” Drew shot out of bed before realizing it was only a dream. It took Drew a second to collect himself and gather his bed sheets that had thrown to the floor out of fear. Not knowing what time is was Drew pushed his curtain back to see that the sun was peaking up over the mountains, the dew on the grass was fresh, and there was no sign of movement. It was a Saturday, so Drew didn’t have to be up early for school. He decided to attempt to go back to sleep.
            Drew counted 72 sheep before falling back asleep. Shortly after falling asleep, Drew began to have another nightmare. The nightmare began by Drew being placed in the woods with zero light. There was a rustle in the trees, Drew tried to convince himself that it was only the wind, there was no wind the air was calm unlike Drew’s heart. Suddenly, Drew heard a voice, “hello, hello, hellloooo, Drew is that you?” Drew became quickly frightened and decided to answer back in fear of making whatever “it” was mad, “uh um yes I’m here.” All of the sudden Drew felt a chilling breeze brush past him and the sound of a women whispering “good…”, at this point Drew was terrified and took off running into the darkness.
            Drew ran as fast as he could until “thump” he tripped over a log. Drew rapidly felt this leg to feel if he was bleeding but then heard the deep voice of a man saying, “Drew let me help you with that cut”. Drew thought better about answering this time and quickly jumped up and began running again. Drew ran and ran and ran until his legs were so weak, they couldn’t run anymore. Suddenly and then all at once the voices appeared again but this time screaming and wailing. Drew could feel his heart about to explode.
            “Ahhhhh!” Followed by heavy breathing. Drew jolted awake, struggling to catch his breath. Drew finally calmed himself down and decided maybe sleeping in late wasn’t for him. Drew jumped out of bed and walked down the stairs where his nose was filled with smell of bacon. When Drew had made it halfway down the stairs, he heard “Hello Drew is that you?” Drew froze in his tracks. His mom peaked her head around the corner, “Come on silly, what are you doing? Let’s eat!”
Drew waking up from his nightmare (photo by very well health

Author’s Note
             I started this story by creating my own character and story line, but I based the scene in the woods with the voices after The Indian Who Wrested with a Ghost. I provided by own twist to the story but like the story I used the voice of a woman, the voice of a man, the woods, and a story about the supernatural.

The Indian Who Wrestled with a Ghost” from Myths and Legends of the Great Plains by Katharine Berry Judson.


  1. Olivia,

    This story did get my heart racing. I think we can all relate to waking up from a nightmare only to go back to sleep to a nightmare. Your use of adjectives and quotes really helped me be put right in the middle of the story. I could hear Drew running thought the forest and feeling his panic. I can imagine what his mom's voice and the voice in the nightmare sound like. Really good job!

  2. Olivia,

    Thanks for your work! I love how you were able to truly make the story your own while still keeping the heart of the original. In fact, reading your story made me go and read your inspiration. I’d never read “The Indian who Wrestled a Ghost” before! Great job with this story, I can’t wait to see what else you write!
    - JD

  3. Hello, Olivia!

    Let me start off by saying that I do not know who Drew is, but I already feel for him. I really like your take on the story, and I especially like that photo you included of Drew! Keep up the good work!


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