Week 10 Stroylab

I choose to watch the Crash Course videos because as a kid I use to love to watch them. The first crash course video that I watched was “What is Myth? Crash Course World Mythology #1”. The video talks about how mythology touches on not just one topic but many such as literature, history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, religion, and science. One thing that the guy in the video said that I really liked was, “Myths are old and have many different versions.” I loved this statement because of the truth to it. I often get confused when reading myths due to the complicated sentences that make the myths hard to interpret. So often we mistake a myth as not true, but Myths do not have to be true or untrue. They are just stories that people have used in a variety of ways over time. 
The second crash course video that I watched was “Theories of Myth: Crash Course World Mythology #12.” Early mythologist set up an early dichotomy between mythos associated with falsehood and logos with Christian thinkers associated with transcended truth. Later on, mythology became studied with anthropology and was centered around fieldwork. The new field of psychology was also looking towards myth for an explanation for human experience. 
The third crash course video that I watched was” The Hero’s Journey and the Monomyth: Crash Course World Mythology #25.” Joseph Campbell founded The Hero’s Journey or monomyth. Campbell identified a series of events that appeared in multiple stories in numerous cultures. He described the hero’s journey starting with a hero receives a call to adventure and refuses the call. Then they eventually accept the call and get help from some supernatural aid. Lastly, the hero then faces trials and victories before returning home.  
After watching the three Crash Course videos I took away a better understanding of what mythology was and how it came about. These videos helped me to better understand this course. 

Joseph Campbell (photo by Wikipedia
